Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Someday Soon

I've been so drained lately from school and work that I haven't had time to sit down and write. I have a lot of future posts in mind, but it'll be another week or so before I have time.

For now, I thought I'd write this update post on how things are going for me, beautywise.

I'm getting closer to finalizing the trip to LA for IMATS. I'm so excited! It'll be, not only my first time going to IMATS, but my first time in California!

Here's a picture to show you how insanely I've been planning:

Also, I signed up for Birchbox. I'll be getting my first one in March, which is apparently going to be the "Teen Vogue" box. From what I've read, it seems like an impressive service so here's hoping I'll enjoy the service!

Well, that's all for now! See you in a few days/a week/or two.