Sunday, May 13, 2012

Review: Laura Mercier Hydrating Primer

A few months ago, I purchased Laura Mercier's hydrating primer. After having tried LM's tinted moisturizer and LOVING it, I figured the primer would be win hands down as the best primer for me. Unfortunately (!!), this primer ended up being a regretted purchase. And I did end up exchanging it.

I had passed by the LM counter in Sephora quite a few times, always wondering whether to pick up this primer or not. It retails for $30, which for me is not easy to shell out. Well, I finally brought it home one day and tried it out. It was great! It didn't feel too heavy, like the other primers I'd been using. I was ecstatic to try it again the next day.

After a few uses, however, I noticed a change in consistency. The primer became a watery mess. I could not open the bottle without having it spill out onto my hands and floor. I thought shaking it might help, but even after shaking for minutes, nothing changed. I delayed the exchange process at Sephora, because I so wanted this to work, but it just did not.

I'm not sure if mine was a dud or if this is something that happens occasionally or often, but it was so disappointing that I just decided not to chance it again.


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