Thursday, July 5, 2012

Job Update - Infant Room!

Hello there! Phew! This week, I was temporarily moved into the infant room at the preschool I work for. I went in thinking it would be a break from the age group I normally work with 3-4, but I was so wrong. It's a lot of hard work and it's rewarding in a completely different way. I've never worked with infants before, so it's definitely been a challenge not only to get comfortable with a new set of kids, but also get used to a different rhythm, tools, and environment. I think the biggest reward so far happened today when I finally got to see a smile out of one of our more difficult kids. I wish I could post some pictures of these cutie pies, but that is a huge no-no.

I also wanted to bring up my next project: a light box! I've been really struggling with the quality of my pictures and I think a light box will be very beneficial. Look out for that, coming up within the next week!

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