Thursday, March 14, 2013

Update + Google Reader Shutting Down!

Hey all! Sorry for the lack of posts lately. School and work have been kicking my ass and, to top it off, I just got sick.

But finally, SPRING BREAK IS HERE! You guys really don't know how happy I am to have made it to this halfway point.

I have quite a few blog posts upcoming and am going to be cracking down over spring break, so look out for that!

***On another note, Google Reader is shutting down this July 1st!***

Logan's expression just about sums it up!

The website Bloglovin is offering an option to import the blogs you follow on Google Reader for you {here} That's not a link to my account, but a link to the import page.

Hopefully, you guys still want to follow my blog. For those of you who follow me on Google Reader, you can follow me on the variety of networks listed on the bar on the right.

Google Reader will be shutting down July 1st, so if you'd like to keep following me, bookmark my site OR you can follow me on the following networks:

Sites that will give you updates on my blog:
                            Youtube (videos coming soon)

Personal sites:

{Here} is a link to a petition to keep Google Reader running, if you'd like to sign.


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