Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Repairing a Broken Blush or Shadow

I was disappointed when I received this month's Birchbox and found one of the samples, a blush, had cracked in the mail. But did I let this get me down? No way!

Click below to learn this DIY!

Being the clumsy person that I am, this has happened to me before. I'm usually careful with my makeup, but any clumsy person will tell you how those cracks in the floor and tables will sneak up on you.

Then, BAM! There goes your eyeshadow or blush.

I've tried a few tutorials online and I thought I'd share with you a pictorial on how to fix your own cracked eyeshadow or blush disaster.

What you'll need:
  • Broken blush/shadow
  • Alcohol
  • Spoon (or something with a dull edge)
  • Paper towel
  • Towel
  • Something with a flat edge (quarter, blush brush with a flat end)
**Step 1**
Using the dull edge of your spoon/knife, mush up the broken pieces of the shadow.

It might seem counterproductive to further break your shadow, but this will ensure your shadow can come back together in later steps.

It should look pretty powdery. 

**Step 2**
Take a small amount of alcohol and pour it into your broken blush/shadow pan.

It doesn't matter how high a concentration of alcohol you use. But if you use a higher concentration, your shadow/blush will dry faster. I used 90% alcohol.

**Step 3**
Next, pick up your blush/shadow and drop it, lightly, several times. This is to make your blush/shadow set more smoothly.

**Step 4**
My blush still had some clumps in it, so I used my spoon to carefully break up the rest of the clumps.

Your blush/shadow will take on a muddy consistency. 

**Step 5**
Let the shadow sit until it dries. I let mine dry for about five hours while I went to school.

The blush was a dull, pale shade after drying.

**Step 6**
Make sure the shadow is DRY before this step!

Wrap the shadow with a paper towel and then use a large flat edge to flatten out the surface. I used the edge of my blush brush for this. For an eyeshadow or a small pan, you can use a quarter.

And that's it!
Wait at least a day before using your blush/shadow to make sure it is completely dry. Your shadow should be good as new!

Good luck and hope you enjoyed!



  1. Nice tips thanks! Pretty Blog too btw. Feel free to check out mine:)

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