Thursday, February 7, 2013

Recent Face Charts

I wanted to show you guys some of the face charts I've created. Since I realized I don't have many people to practice my skills on, I decided to practice using face charts. I purchased some textured paper from Michael's and printed out a blank MAC face chart I found online.

My face charts have gotten a lot better with practice!

December 28, 2012

This is one of the first ones I worked on. I realize now my problem with this one was lack of depth within the face and brows. I love how the eyes turned out, though. 

December 30, 2012
 I started working a lot more on creating depth and I think it is a huge improvement!!

January 5, 2013
This face chart is based off the Aishwarya Rai FOTD I did a while back. Using eyeliner on paper is a bit more difficult than on skin. 

January 6th, 2013
Here's my attempt at a bridal look. The foundation looks a bit splotchy, because I used a paper that was a bit more textured than the others without realizing it. It's much less noticeable in person. 

You can see the color better in this shot. I think this might be my favorite look!

January 8th, 2013

I'd been wanting to try out a green turned brown look for some time, but it was late at night so I chose to do a face chart instead. I can't wait to wear this look out. I think it came out pretty good! What do you think of the freckles I added?

I wish I could get a better picture of this one! 

January 10, 2013
 I was going for something along the lines of Kristen Stewart's W Magazine cover, but I'm not sure about this one. It still feels unfinished to me. 

Have you ever created your own face charts? Share them below!

Which look was your favorite? If you'd like any info on the charts, comment below and I'll give you the details!
